X-Men Movie Collection Bluray (2000-2011) MKV Mediafire
The X-Men film series consists of superhero films based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. The films star an ensemble cast, focusing on Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, who is drawn into the conflict between Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart / James McAvoy) and Magneto (Ian McKellen / Michael Fassbender), who have opposing views on humanity's relationship with mutants. Xavier believes humanity and mutants can coexist, but Magneto believes that mutants are destined to rule humanity. The films also developed subplots based on the comics' Weapon X and Dark Phoenix storylines.
X-Men (2000) BluRay 720p 700MB
part 1- http://adf.ly/4GnTc
part 2- http://adf.ly/4GnUk
part 3- http://adf.ly/4GnWf
part 4- http://adf.ly/4GnX2
part 5- http://adf.ly/4GnXJ
X2: X-Men United (2003) BluRay 720p 600mb
part 1- http://adf.ly/4Gnvj
part 2- http://adf.ly/4GnwD
part 3- http://adf.ly/4GnwU
part 4- http://adf.ly/4Gnwt
part 5- http://adf.ly/4GnxM
part 6- http://adf.ly/4Gnxb
X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) BluRay 720p 700MB
part 1- http://adf.ly/4GneF
part 2- http://adf.ly/4GneY
part 3- http://adf.ly/4Gnez
part 4- http://adf.ly/4GnfG
part 5- http://adf.ly/4Gnfl
X-Men: First Class (2011) BluRay 720p 700MB
part 1- http://adf.ly/4GnE4
part 2- http://adf.ly/4GnEQ
part 3- http://adf.ly/4GnEh
part 4- http://adf.ly/4GnF6